Our Coffee
It stands out!
Why is our coffee so unique? Find out below
Our Coffee
We aim to offer the best coffee experience in Southport!
Using only micro-lot single-origin beans allows us to achieve this, along with ongoing training for our team.
Our beans are carefully sourced and ground to order to ensure a full flavor.
Roasting takes place twice weekly, allowing us to make use of the freshest beans.
We often have a range of options from Ethiopian, Columbian, and Guatemalan, in both caffeinated and decaf.
So, what do we serve?
Here at Season, we alternate between two local roasters Django and Heart & Graft.
Django Coffee Co. is a coffee roasting company that has taken inspiration from Melbourne’s flourishing and robust coffee scene to make it their mission to provide quality speciality coffee with a low environmental impact.
Django Coffee Co. is 100% committed to providing information on the origins, the farmers, and the coffee beans journey from the farm to your cup.
Heart & Graft started up properly in Salford at Artwork Atellier a co-op space for artists and creatives with the beautiful gold and brass Giesen W15A. As they grew they needed more space, a lot more.
Because our coffee is micro-lot the beans tend to change with the seasons. As the seasons travel around, so does the destination of our beans. In stock right now we have:
Heart & Graft Barnraiser
Heart & Graft Serendipia
Django Kiaro Rwenzori mountains in Uganda
Flavours in stock: Blackberry, Cherry, Raspberry, Plum, Caramel, hazelnut, and pineapple cubes.
Why Micro-lot Single Origin Coffee?
Microlots, as their name implies, produce very limited qualities of green beans, often less than 100 bags. Near identical beans on a vast farm that produces thousands of bags for export are labeled high quality or specialty coffee.
All microlots are single-origin coffees
Single origins tend to have an exotic taste, and are bolder and more robust, while a coffee blend balances it out with different beans that complement each other.
Single-origin coffee are raved about for its purity and high quality, and it tells a story about its origin.
Always Quality
The beans we use can be traced back to their original source be it a specific farm, field or harvest.
These tend to be the pick of a particular crop. Our beans aren't grown in large-scale quantities for commercial use and as such, supply is often limited as yields can vary from year to years as even the smallest of climatic variations can affect their inherent flavours.
Nurtured from seed to bean and then to cup, these varieties are carefully grown to be the very best beans possible.
Our coffee is renowned for its delicate flavours which, in our opinion can get lost in milk-based beverages.
But, as always, it depends on the coffee: Some will work brilliantly in latte whilst others won't quite work as well when combined with milk. It's all trail and error!